Monday, May 10, 2010

Sunday Times

It was last Sunday when I finally got time to read the whole newspaper and  there were 3 stories that made me think as an Indian as well as a human being. These 3 stories would be my next 3 post. Here is the first story

                                                                  Honor Killing :- 

According to a survey done by the Delhi-based Indian Population Statistics Survey (IPSS) in mid-2007, in India almost 655 homicidal cases have been registered as honour killings. While in Punjab and Delhi, the figure touches 32 per cent, in Muzaffarnagar, the worst affected district of Uttar Pradesh, 25 per cent honour killings have been reported so far.

Honor killing has become one of the biggest crime against women as well as men in India. The shocking part is that this type of crime is actually supported by the society in parts like Haryana, Punjab and UP and there seems no real action taken by the police as well as the political parties of India. Political parties in India has never seen discussing such problem instead they would make a big fuss about Reservation and other issues but when it come to the social problems such as this they are all mute. I have not heard any of the leader from any of the political party including Congress as well as BJP  condemning the crime and determined to do anything about it.

"In 2007, the National Crime Records Bureau said 1,85,312 incidents of crime against women were reported in the country, as compared to 1,64,765 in 2006. It is a 12.5% increase. It listed sexual harassment cases at 10,950. There were 75,930 cases of cruelty by husband and his relatives. The figures are horrifying but they don’t tell the full story, says Kiran Bedi, police officer turned social activist. “Incidents of honour killings are happening every day in our cities. Most of these cases are not even reported. When it comes to women we are still living in mediaeval times,”she says."  

India is changing at a different pace in different places, so there is conflict between different value systems. It can squeeze people caught in the middle and the victims are mostly female. “Women are considered the property of the males in their family irrespective of their class, ethnic, or religious group. The owner of the property has the right to decide its fate,” says Zaynab Nawaz of Amnesty International’s programme for women’s rights.  

"As we require some very strict law against terrorism we also need some strict law for these internal terrorists of our society who support honor killing and the people who commit the crime. As terrorist should be hanged so does these morons should. In the biggest democracy of the world if a girl or a boy is not allowed to choose their respective partners which out fearing that they might be the next victim of honor killing then I am sorry to say that we still aren't a democratic country forget about being a developed one."


  1. This is probably the best post I have read about honour killings. the facts and quotes make it interesting and a legit issue to be discussed.

    Though, more than the government we should aim for literacy and population control. That will solve a lot problems in the root. Whatever government does would be powder dust coating. We need to change as people as a society.

  2. Thanx Niti. Well yes I do agree with you that literacy and population control in the sense that the sex ratio should be equal. But more than making people literate we have to make people educated.

  3. Thats a well written post. This issue needs to be widely written about, talked, discussed and more awareness needs to be created! Its shocking how things work in this country and what false pride and sense of purity can lead to! And best of all, you can kill and go scot free!
    Thanks for sharing this post.

  4. Thanx Maria. I do agree with your thoughts. The worst part is they claim it with proud on National Television that they are proud to save the so called "Izzat" of their community and village. I have seen few panchayats in Haryana claiming that in broad day light.
